Editorial Team


Huib Cornielje, Enablement, Netherlands


Editorial Advisor

Maya Thomas, Independent disability consultant, India



Theresa Lorenzo, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Oswell Khondowe, The Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences , Lusaka Apex Medical University, Zambia

Dr Sunil Deepak, retired, previosuly AIFO, India

Arne Eide, Sintef, Norway

Dr Pim Kuipers, Griffith University, Australia

Sally Hartley, retired, p[reviosuly AIFO, United Kingdom

Wim van Brakel, Netherlands Leprosy Relief, Netherlands

Olmedo Zambrano, PAHO, Ecuador

Awa Jacques Chirac, Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services, Cameroon

Thérèse Dibassiwena Adjayi, CAN Africa; the African CBR network, Togo

Mary Wickenden, Institute of Development Studies, United Kingdom

Tih Pius Muffih, Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services, Cameroon

Clare Coleman, WHO Collaborating Centre for Strengthening Rehabilitation Capacity in Health Systems, Australia

Geetha Jayaram, Johns Hopkins University, United States

Goli Hashemi, Samuel Merritt University, Canada

Wouter DeGrootte, WHO, Belgium

Wim Otte, University of Utrecht, Netherlands

Fleur Heleen Boot, Radboud University, Netherlands

Ephraim Nuwagaba, Able Child Africa, Uganda


Journal Manager

Vardini P, Journal Manager, DCIDJ, India