Review of Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan (2010/11-2014/15) Development Theories Origin and its strength and Limitations: Volume I


  • Mussie Ybabe


Growth and Transformation Plan (2010/11-2014/15) of Ethiopia is reviewed for its ambiguity and clarity in GTP strategies in line with theoretical assumption and empirical evidences. Strategically the plan targeted achieving a broad based, acceler­ated and sustained economic growth to eradicate poverty; establishing a coordinated development sectors and system for preparation and implementation of development plan thereby eradicate poverty remarkably for the betterment and change in the country’s image. Good qualities of GTP are for its clear statement on the program objectives and the expected outputs in numerical targets; puts more emphasis on the expansion and productivity of small scale irrigation than PASDEP, and offers opportunities and land to attract commercial farming investors interested in large scale and high value agricultural products. The plan seems too ambitious to meet pro-poor targets stem from heavy dependence on smallholder farmers and scaling-up of best practices too tough to reverse within the plan period. The nexus between land registration and tenure security especially for severely disadvantaged in economic, social and political terms. GTP’s theoretical assumption is mix of different theories such as dependency theory; linear-stages Harrod-Domar Growth theory; Neo-liberalists Keynesian approach and Human Development paradigm.


