Comparative Study on Floristic Composition, Structure and Regeneration Status of Woody Plants: the Case of Gond Teklehaymanot and Arsema Monastery Forests, Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Evenness, plant community, r ichness, species diver sity, species similarityAbstract
A study was conducted in Gond Teklehaymanot and Arsema Monastery Forests, northwest Ethiopia with the objective of comparing the status of the two forests. Eight line transects spaced at 150m appart were laid on which plots were established at 150 m interval. A total of 40 plots (20m×20m) were sampled for each Monastery. In each plot, the identity, number and percent cover of all woody species were recorded. With in each main plot, five subplots (2m×2m) were established at each corner and center to facilitate collecting data for seedling and sapling. DBH was measured for trees and shrubs > 2.5 cm. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to identify the community types. Shannon diversity and Sorenson similarity indices were used to compare the species diversity and similarity among the community types and the two forests respectively. Frequency, density, DBH, basal area and IVI were used to analyze the patterns of the vegetation structure. A total of 90 and 75 woody species were recorded at Gond
and Arsema forests respectively. In both forests, Fabaceae was the dominant family. Four communities in Gond and 2 in Arsema were identified. Species richness, diversity and evenness varied among the plant communities and the forests. The total basal area of woody species for Gond Teklehaymanot forest was 35.63 while Arsema forest basal area was 9.16 m2 ha-1. Results from structure data revealed the two forests were largely composed of young woody species. Regeneration status of Gond and Aresema forests were found fair and good respectively. Structural and regeneration status data analysis indicated that some species need immediate attention for conservation for both forests.