Dynamical Analysis of Cholera Diseases Transmission Model with Hospitalization


  • Haileyesus Tessema, University of Gondar
  • Gossay Aliy University of Gondar
  • Litegebih Wondie University of Gondar
  • Samuel Abebe University of Gondar
  • Sisay Ayanaw University of Gondar
  • Yehualashet Mengistu University of Gondar
  • Daniel Makinde Stellenbosch University
  • Hailay Weldegiorgis Mekelle University




In this paper we developed a deterministic mathematical model of cholera disease dynamics by considering direct and indirect contact transmission pathway. The model considers five compartments, namely susceptible humans, infectious humans, hospitalized humans, recovered humans and the Vibrio cholera pathogen in the environment. The model qualitative behaviors, such as the invariant region, the existence of a positive invariant solution, the two equilibrium points (disease-free and endemic equilibrium), and their stabilities (local as well as global stability) of the model are studied. Moreover, the basic reproduction number of the model is obtained. Finally, we performed sensitivity analysis and numerical simulations. The numerical simulation results show that reducing contact rate, improving hospitalization rate, and environmental sanitation are the most important activities to fight against cholera disease from the community.



How to Cite

Haileyesus Tessema, Gossay Aliy, Litegebih Wondie, Samuel Abebe, Sisay Ayanaw, Yehualashet Mengistu, Daniel Makinde and Hailay Weldegiorgis (2023) “Dynamical Analysis of Cholera Diseases Transmission Model with Hospitalization ”, Ethiopian Journal of Natural and Computational Sciences , 3(1), pp. 431–442. doi: 10.20372/ejncs.v3i1.670.