Satisfaction of maternal and pediatrics clinical service in Woldia General Hospital, North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia.


  • Alemayehu Amsalu Alen University of Gondar
  • Abdilkerim Sultan Temmam Ethiopian Public Health Institute



Maternal and pediatrics, health of children, logistic regression, Ethiopia


Maternal and pediatrics was the health and medical care of infants and children and pediatric means healer of children. Health care satisfaction was the emotional interaction between their expectation regarding ideal nursing care and perceptions of actual nursing care. The study assessed the satisfaction of maternal and pediatrics health care and identified the determinant factors affecting the satisfaction. The study was conducted in Woldia General Hospital in 2013E.C (2020/21). The study was a hospital-based descriptive cross-sectional study carried out for three months (October to December 2020). In this study, all cases were confirmed by the sample of 330 childbirth women selected by simple random sampling and the data collected by questionnaire. The data was analyzed by chi-square and logistic regression using SPSS software. According to the results, 78.8% were unsatisfied and 21.2% were getting satisfaction indicating most of mothers were unsatisfied with service. From the outputs satisfaction of modern maternal pediatrics health care delivery in service total of 330 respondents’ equipment and satisfaction of respondents who responded their medium (41.4%) was more satisfied than those who equipment fulfills (30%) and low (28.6%) means most of the childbirth women’s whose equipment medium from the hospital were more satisfied by the maternal pediatrics health care in the hospital. In conclusion, unsatisfied maternal and pediatric health care happened due to employed health professionals’ lack of Punctuality and cleanliness were reasons according to logistic regression analysis. In addition, lack of Professional ethics from health professionals. Moreover, the study recommended that give attention about general hospitals maternity care like referral hospitals with even fill the equipment.



How to Cite

Alemayehu Amsalu Alen and Abdilkerim Sultan Temmam (2024) “ Ethiopia”., Ethiopian Journal of Natural and Computational Sciences , 2(1), pp. 291–300. doi: 10.20372/ejncs.v2i1.771.