Determining the Generation Rate and Composition of Solid Health Care Waste at Gondar University Hospital
Background: The unavailability or inadequacy of data about the quantity and composition of health care waste is one of the reasons for poor solid healthcare waste management. This study was done to assess the per bed generation rate and physical composition of solid healthcare waste so as to produce baseline data and recommend appropriate management options.
Methods: Gondar University Regional Referral Hospital which has 367 beds, 17 examination rooms, 6 supportive departments, 14 admission rooms grouped under 5 main departments and administrative offices was selected. The solid healthcare waste was collected and measured from Monday to Sunday consecutively by using plastic buckets of known color, mass and volume to estimate the amount of waste generated.
Results: The average generation rate of solid healthcare waste was found to be 0.95 kg/bed /day and 0.142 gm/outpatient/day in the inpatient and outpatient departments, respectively. The mean HCW generation in the seven consecutive days for general waste, infectious waste, sharp waste, pathological waste, pharmaceutical waste, and radiological waste were 184 + 27.9, 128+ 27.3, 3+ 1.7, 18+ 5.4, 6+ 5.2, and 3+ 2, kg, respectively.
Conclusions: Although the generation rate of health care waste was very less compared to other studies, the efficiency of proper management was poor .Based on the findings; it can be recommended that there is an urgent need for raising awareness and providing education on medical waste issues.